Please note this is offered as a separate license, available to all EnrolNow One customers. Ipad or tablet not included.

Fully integrated with EnrolNow One
EnrolNow One enrolments automatically update the SISO app ensuring easy implementation and guarantees your sign in app is always up to date.
Reason for absence
For comprehensive insights collect reason for absence to produce absence summary reports.
Easy to use interface
Clean and simple user interface for ease of use for parents, authorised nominees and educators.
Privacy and security optimised
All users (parent, educators and auth nominees) are required to verify via a SMS pin code. The Digital SISO app will only allow authorised people to sign in or out the children for whom they have been given authorisation to collect.

Secure & compliant collection of authorised nominees
Allow parents to add authorised nominees securely using the enrolment form or a separate Authorised Nominee form at any time during the year.
Work Offline
The SISO app will retain all data if the internet is down and sync upon re-activation. This is critical for Out and About programs or when internet quality is poor.
Unlimited records
No limit to how many children, educators or programs are setup at each service.
Access attendance reports
Comprehensive reports accessed for quick overview of attendance by program, service, time period and much more.
Educator Module
This module is not just for children, the Digital SISO module also unlocks access to an Educator Tab. The added functionality for educators and staff includes:
Related EnrolNow One Addons
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