Case Studies

Our clients love what they do, nurturing and helping develop our children in happy, safe and secure environments. We’re proud to help make what they do just a little bit easier!

Our annual re-enrolment process has been a breeze

Latrobe City Council

Latrobe City Council’s Central Kindergarten Registration Scheme ensures the whole community has access to a fair, equitable and timely system for processing kindergarten enrolments. Whilst 24 of the kindergarten services are managed and operated by the council, the scheme also includes 6 privately run services in their offer.

EnrolNow One enables Latrobe to manage all aspects of the registration and enrolment process with the flexibility of being able to accommodate both managed and private services in the one centralised project. The ability to customise so many components including; email communications, program configurations, online registration and enrolment forms as well as work flow, has been critical to tailoring the software platform to support the unique Latrobe requirements.


EnrolNow commenced working with Sparkways in July 2020 and provides the software platform to manage the enrolment processes and invoicing for 40 kindergarten services.

EnrolNow have designed and built a software solution to support Sparkways unique requirements. It’s more than just software, EnrolNow continue to support Sparkways with a managed services approach. The Sparkways managed kindergartens and preschool services are spread over 13 Melbourne LGAs, each LGA centrally allocates children to services. EnrolNow upload all councils lists as they are provided, so that Sparkways can kick off their enrolment process; a welcome email with program preference form followed by confirmation and account setup.

The EnrolNow Transact module allows Sparkways to manage the big task of invoicing and payments across all services to every family. Via EnrolNow Transact parents agree to fee policy and terms, they setup eDDRs, email invoices, collect payments and reconcile payments. Detailed reports with customised chart of accounts and GL codes streamline their accounting requirements.


EnrolNow work with the City of Kingston to support their centralised registration scheme to 26 kindergarten services within their council.

EnrolNow have built the software platform that enables the City of Kingston to accept online registrations from parents. A customised ‘Allocational Engine’ with integrated GPS distance calculator ensures the council’s priority of access rules are applied to every application. Allocation lists are produced and bulk allocations made.

It is important for the City of Kingston to also enable their 26 services to have system access to registrations related to their service. Limited licenses and specific workflows have been added to the EnrolNow platform to ensure ease of communication, data privacy and efficiency for both Council and the service’s they support

The platform is very user friendly and time saving


CPSG is an Early Years Management organisation responsible for the enrolments and service delivery of eight kindergartens across the Shire of Southern Grampians.

EnrolNow supports their enrolment requirements via a custom built software platform. The platform then ensures CPSG and the services have up to date student information for their ongoing management requirements. The EnrolNow CPSG platform provides

  • Online centralised applications
  • Bulk allocations are supported with the allocation engine,
  • Offer email with program confirmation and customised enrolment form to parents
  • Customised reporting
  • CRM and customised email campaigns
  • Digital Sign In Sign Out

Our centre is running at full capacity with the help of EnrolNow.

Brookville Kindergarten

Brookville Kindergarten is a committee run kinder managed by a dedicated group of parents. EnrolNow was engaged to create efficiencies in their very specific and manual enrolment tasks. The EnrolNow One platform has streamlined their entire process. From waitlist application, collecting program preferences, making offers, through to enrolments. All processes have been taken online with automated process management, through customised forms and emails. The EnrolNow One platform is a CRM database that enables Brookville Kindergarten access any child’s record, at any time, from anywhere.


ECMS manage waitlist processes for over 30 sessional kindergartens centrally. EnrolNow was engaged to build customised waitlist application forms for families to submit preferences online to the central team, driving a massive reduction in data entry from the ECMS enrolments team.

Proven Results

“The KIMS upload has cut my confirmation time down significantly. It probably saved me hours that I would have spent manually entering the children as well as reducing the opportunity for error. Having the enrolment form that had all the parent data as mandatory also meant we did not have to go back to our families repeatedly to ask for more information. Thank you!”

Karen Benson, Centre Administrator, Gembrook Preschool
When an offer is accepted, I am able to elect to send off all our paperwork automatically with a customised message explaining our enrolment process, this is such a time saver! Thanks to EnrolNow for filling a gap in the market and providing a wonderful, user friendly solution.
Nicole Taylor, Director | The Berry Patch Preschool Kellyville Ridge

“I very much enjoyed working with you as we get the whole thing up and running. You have proven to be extremely flexible and helpful, it is much appreciated.”

Kylie Hogan, President Nagle Preschool

“It was easy to use, I clicked on the link, quickly updated my child. Then it even asked if I would like to also update my other child’s records. So much easier than having to fill out a paper form and remember to return it.”

Jacqui, Parent of three

“We have been using EnrolNow for a few years now and have found the program very user friendly and time saving. Our annual re-enrolment process has been a breeze, and not to mention the waiting list feature, which literally runs itself. Our centre is running at full capacity with the help of EnrolNow.”

Tahnee, Little Paddington Childcare and Kindergarten

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