Council sends offer to the family and requests they submit the offer acceptance form. Child/family can be engaged with once the offer has been accepted.
Forward allocation list to for upload (allow 7 days)
Scenario 2
Council sends late / mid year allocation child to service.
Add NEW child to system – use the “Add New Child” button. Adding a new child
Scenario 3
Register an existing child for a NEW program type or care period – use the “TY – Add or Change Application” or the “NY – Add or Change Application” button. Add or Change an Application
Scenario 4
CHANGE a child’s program type or care period – use the “TY – Add or Change Application” or the “NY – Add or Change Application” button. Add or Change and Application
Program Preferences Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Family submits Council application form with service and program preferences. Child becomes visible in your EnrolNow system. You are not yet able to engage directly with the Family.
Program Allocation Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Allocate children to programs using the Allocation Engine:
Council emails the family the offer and asks them to submit the Offer Acceptance Form. Upon accepting the offer, the child’s status will update to Offer Accepted and you will then be able to start engaging with the family directly.
Family submits Council application form and service preferences. Once the Council has allocated the child to your service, the child will become visible in your EnrolNow system. You are not yet able to engage directly with the Family.
Waitlist Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Family submits Waitlist Application Form via link on Service’s website
Scenario 2
Add NEW child to system – use the “Add New Child” button. Adding a new child
Scenario 3
Register an existing child for a NEW program type or care period – use the “TY – Add or Change Application” or the “NY – Add or Change Application” button. Add or Change an Application
Scenario 4
CHANGE a child’s program type or care period – use the “TY – Add or Change Application” or the “NY – Add or Change Application” button. Add or Change and Application
Service Allocation Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Allocate children to your service using the Allocation Engine:
In the scenario where the Service is wanting to push through a late enrolment quickly, the service can use the Quick Action option on a child record to Allocate Program
Allocate Program Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Allocate program for families – use the “TY – Allocate Program” or “NY – Allocate Program” quick action buttons on a child record.
Add Child Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Council sends annual allocation list to service.
Forward allocation list to for upload (allow 7 days)
Add Child Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Council sends late / mid year allocation child to service.
Add NEW child to system – use the “Add New Child” button. Adding a new child
Scenario 2
Register an existing child for a NEW program type or care period – use the “TY – Add or Change Application” or the “NY – Add or Change Application” button. Add or Change an Application
Scenario 3
CHANGE a child’s program type or care period – use the “TY – Add or Change Application” or the “NY – Add or Change Application” button. Add or Change and Application
Program Acceptance Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Email family the “Additional Unfunded Days” email template:
In the scenario where the group is wanting to progress an application internally, the service can use the Quick Action option on a child record to submit additional days form and update status of child to “Program Accepted”
Program Acceptance Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Once a child has submitted their additional days preferences, on the child record they must be manually allocated their days under the “Current/Upcoming Allocated Days (Unfunded)” field.
Allocate Days and Room Example Scenarios
Scenario 1
Allocate a child to their days by updating the “Current Allocated Days” field or the “Upcoming Allocated Days” field located on the child’s profile.
Allocate a child to their room by updating the “Current Allocated Room” field or the “Upcoming Allocated Room” field located on the child’s profile.